Friday 15 September 2017

Display Column Data Comparing With Previous Row In ng-repeat AngularJS

In this Article, I Would Like To Know You About Binding Of List To A Table Using ng-repeat. And Showing The Data In A Table And Showing The Column Data Conditionally Which Is Having Same Category. For This I Had Used $index  To Identify The Same Column Data in HTML Page Like By Comparing The Current Row Column Data With Previous Row Column Data, I Am Hiding The Column Data, If The Data Is Same As Previous Row Data Like Using
ng-if="ItemDetails[$index - 1].CategoryCode!=item.CategoryCode"

Actually Conditionally Displaying By Comparing With Previous Row Is Not Good For Huge Data, Please See The Nested ng-repeat In Nested Tables

We Can See The Code As Below :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="groupbymultipleelementsfunctionality">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>AngularJS - ng-repeat Functionality</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="index.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="GroupByMultipleElementsController">
    <div class="form-group container">
        <div class="row">
            <h3>AngularJS - Display Column Data Comparing With Previous Row In ng-repeat</h3>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="table-responsive">
                <table class="table">
                            <th>Item Category Code</th>
                            <th>Item Category</th>
                            <th>Item Code</th>
                            <th>Item Name</th>
                            <th>Item Old Price</th>
                            <th>Item New Price</th>
                        <tr ng-show="ItemDetails.length!=0" ng-repeat="item in ItemDetails">
                            <td ng-if="ItemDetails[$index - 1].CategoryCode!=item.CategoryCode">{{item.CategoryCode}}</td>
                            <td ng-if="ItemDetails[$index - 1].CategoryCode==item.CategoryCode"></td>
                            <td ng-if="ItemDetails[$index - 1].CategoryCode!=item.CategoryCode">{{item.ItemCategory}}</td>
                            <td ng-if="ItemDetails[$index - 1].CategoryCode==item.CategoryCode"></td>
                            <td>{{ item.ItemName}}</td>
                             <td>{{ item.ItemCode}}</td>
                            <td>{{ item.ItemOldPrice}}</td>
                            <td>{{ item.ItemNewPrice}}</td>

                        <tr ng-show="ItemDetails.length==0" style="text-align:center;font-size:xx-large;color:lightgrey;font:bold 400% arial, verdana;">
                                No Records Found


var app = angular.module('groupbymultipleelementsfunctionality', []);
app.controller('GroupByMultipleElementsController', function ($scope, $window) {
    $scope.ItemDetails = [
            ItemId: 1,
            CategoryCode: "TX001",
            ItemCategory: "Computer",
            ItemCode: "KB384",
            ItemName: "KeyBoard",
            ItemOldPrice: "600",
            ItemNewPrice: "500"
        ItemId: 2,
        CategoryCode: "TX001",
        ItemCategory: "Computer",
        ItemCode: "MU932",
        ItemName: "Mouse",
        ItemOldPrice: "500",
        ItemNewPrice: "400"
        ItemId: 3,
        CategoryCode: "TX001",
        ItemCategory: "Computer",
        ItemCode: "PD843",
        ItemName: "Pendrive",
        ItemOldPrice: "600",
        ItemNewPrice: "400"
        ItemId: 4,
        CategoryCode: "TX001",
        ItemCategory: "Computer",
        ItemCode: "DV0495",
        ItemName: "DVD Drive",
        ItemOldPrice: "2000",
        ItemNewPrice: "1500"
           ItemId: 5,
           CategoryCode: "TX002",
           ItemCategory: "Electricity",
           ItemCode: "KB384",
           ItemName: "KeyBoard",
           ItemOldPrice: "500",
           ItemNewPrice: "300"
        ItemId: 6,
        CategoryCode: "TX002",
        ItemCategory: "Electricity",
        ItemCode: "MU932",
        ItemName: "Mouse",
        ItemOldPrice: "400",
        ItemNewPrice: "300"
        ItemId: 7,
        CategoryCode: "TX002",
        ItemCategory: "Electricity",
        ItemCode: "PD843",
        ItemName: "Pendrive",
        ItemOldPrice: "800",
        ItemNewPrice: "700"
        ItemId: 8,
        CategoryCode: "TX002",
        ItemCategory: "Electricity",
        ItemCode: "DV0495",
        ItemName: "DVD Drive",
        ItemOldPrice: "1000",
        ItemNewPrice: "800"
    ]; //To Declare List


Note:- If The Data Is Huge Then Using This Comparison Method Is Bad Practice

Download Code From GitHub

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